Cowboys, bulls, horses, and a monkey that corrals
sheep riding a dog!
One really neat thing that happened that
night, was the announcer saying a prayer before
the singing of the National Anthem. I thought it
was really special that the boys had to not only take
their hats off for the National Anthem, but
also for a prayer!
Another thing that made me think while we were there was
where does all that dirt come from
and who cleans it all up?
It is amazing that on the floor where the Pacers
play basketball there are cowboys getting bucked off a bull
in the dirt!

Now is this a cute cowboy or what?!
That is SUCH a Cute cowboy! OMGOODNESS!:)
THE cutest cowboy ever. So sweet.
I love that they added a prayer before the rodeo, they do that at the dolphins games here. I think the world would be better off if MORE people prayed..don't you?
I also always wonder how they do the transformations of those stadiums. Ours is used for the dolphins games, marlins baseball, monster truck pulls, and I just saw Madonna there. :)
I love that picture of Davis. Are you using your new camera? We can't wait to come down for Connor's big day!
Not using the new camera yet! I got a new book to read on it though!
I love those cowboy cute!
-sandy toe
Great camera!
All of those cowboys are super cute. You're going to need to be watching them as they grow up, the girls will definitely be chasing them.
Wow...that sounds like a lot of fun!!! I'm sure the boys LOVED it!
Tara...your boys are so sweet, and I love that pic of Davis! Sounds like you've been busy having lots of fun!
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