We survived Christmas. It was a lot of stops but a lot of fun. It is so fun to see the boys interact with their cousins. Since we are two hours away, they do not get to play with their cousins on a regular basis so at the holidays it is fun to watch get to have time to play with one another.
The boys got so many new toys, games, clothes etc! They have had a fun time playing with them the past week since they have been home. It is so interesting to watch the things that they play with. Things that I would of thought would be their favorite may not be and the things that I did not think they would play with are the ones that catch their interest!
We brought in the New Year with a group of friend. I forgot my camera so I did not get any pictures. May have been a good thing!! The boys were up until 2 am so yesterday was a very lazy day for all of us.
I am looking forward to 2009 and all that it will bring. My goal this year is to not worry about things that are out of my control. I am looking forward to "retiring" from my job in February and truly putting my energy in being the best mother and wife that I can be. My hope in doing this is that our family will all be happier with this change. Of course I would also like to lose some weight and get into shape since I will have a little more time. I do not always have the best will power so I am really hoping I will be determined to get this done. It is just getting started in a routine. There are plenty more, but I would like to focus on these few so I am not too overwhelmed!
I hope all of you have a happy and healthy 2009!
2 months ago
you have great and "realistic" goals...mine are similar, especially not worrying about what we can't control...that is a biggie.
Glad you had a nice Christmas.
I would be looking forward to retiring too!!! I am excited for you.
Tara you are already a great wife, mother and daughter in law. I hope after Feb you can relax and get into a routine that will fit your needs. Just think Feb is next month already.
Mom W
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