Thursday, August 20, 2009

Finally His Turn...

Davis had his first practice in an organized sport tonight. He has been so excited to finally get his turn to play! He woke up early this morning because he was so excited to go to practice tonight. For once his big brothers get to watch him, instead of him watching them!

He has been out practicing all week. He has had his Dad out there. He has had his brothers out there. He has had me out there! Oh, it is going to be so fun to watch him play!

From the looks of things...I think he is ready!!!

And who doesn't practice in a Power Rangers shirt?!


Jami said...

That is sooo cute! He sure looks like he knows exactly what to do. He has great mentors!

Busy Bee Suz said...

The pictures are priceless. I hope he has nothing but positive experiences with this!!!

Sherri said...

That's always so exciting for everyone.... That first practice!!! I love love the pics.

Anonymous said...

Papa and Mama are real proud of you Davis. Go gettem

We need your boys schedules when you have time