The boys were home with their dad yesterday for Fall break and since it was pretty cold they were looking for things to do inside. This was the activity of choice! I went home at lunch and they had just started. When I returned home at 5 they were still doing it!! They took a little break in there to do a few things outside, but returned to their creations once they came back inside.
They really are good for hand eye coordination and also patience! You have to be careful not to bump the peg board or the beads will fall off! We have different peg board shapes and books that show different designs. This was the first year that Carson really got into it and followed the pictures in the book to make his creations. Davis just took a fish and turtle and put the pegs in randomly which still looked cute and it was his own! It takes quite a bit of time so I was really impressed with his patience. Connor was excited about the KEEP OUT sign to hang on his bedroom door!
In a house of three boys, there tends to be a lot of wrestling, running, throwing things etc. so to find a quiet activity that keeps them occupied and away from the TV...I am for it!!
Even dad got in on the action!
These were their favorite creations.
Wow Tara they were busy! My kids LOVE those things too! I hate cleaning up with all the beads everywhere but it's fun while the quiet lasts!
What a neat project. Your boys are good at projects.
This might be a good Christmas idea for Cam. The patients thing might be hard for him, but maybe a good lesson!!!
We love these! We once did them at a birthday party for one of the activities. It's a good thing it was a slumber party because they took a lot of time to do!
I loved what they made,it looked fun. Tell them to make mama on ornament for the Christmas tree like Connor did last year. It was nice to see their dad helping them, a family time which is very important these day.
love to you all
What a great family activity!! I'll have to remember that one. It's perfect for those chilly winter nights!
Such a great post. My girls are 12 and 15....they STILL love doing these. I still insist on doing the ironing though....
love your blog. Saw you at Karen Gbergers....I will be back. :)
Our kids loved these, and we have lots of Christmas ornaments that they made this way. All of the handmade ornaments are treasures.
Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. God bless you.
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