Saturday, August 16, 2008


"Hummingbirds are the world's smallest birds. They are the undisputed champions of the sky, with their skillful and daring flight. They can outmaneuver and out-fly other birds a hundred times their size" excerpt from ZooBooks magazine

I love to watch the hummingbirds at our feeder. We have seen so many of them this year. Once a week, I am making a new batch of food to put in the feeder! The boys are always letting me know that we have another one at the feeder. They are truly one of God's fascinating creations.

I have tried to get a picture of one this summer and was finally successful!


Jami said...

I agree, hummingbirds are magical creatures. I think we need to put up a hummingbird feeder. We have several around even without one.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tara! I am one of Jami's friends and found your blog through hers! We just got a hummingbird feeder about 2 or 3 weeks ago and I was FLOORED by the number of hummingbirds we have! We have had 3 at the feeder at one time! I agree, they are just too precious and the munchkins and I love watching them!! I also posted about them on my blog recently...feel free to check it out!
