On January 24, 2010, my big boy turned "10"! For some reason, I am having a hard time with him turning "double digits"! We always take a picture with them holding up how old they are. We joked that next year he will have to hold up ten fingers and stick out his tongue! Just hard to believe that I have had the ultimate joy of being his mother for 10 years. When people say "Don't blink they will grow up before you know it!" I now believe that is a very true statement!
He is currently in 4th grade and having his best year ever. Just doing fabulous in school, meeting some really great friends, and being active as ever! I love how he is all boy, but does have a tender side to him! I love that he loves the outdoors, animals, and can remember just about any fact that he hears! I love that he has shared the joy of ice fishing with his dad this winter! Connor what a blessing you are in our life, I am honored to be your mom! Hope this year is one of your best!!!
By the way, sure glad the Colts could bring you a victory for your birthday!!!