Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween

Hard to believe that Halloween has come and gone for another year! The boys all picked out their own costumes. Just so you know I had nothing to do with Carson's! He found the mask and thought it was scary and wanted it...ended up hardly wearing it because it stunk!

Connor was so excited to do his costume this year. When we were shopping for costumes he just could not find anything he wanted to be, so I suggested a hobo and he went with it! On Halloween he said "Mom, I think homemade costumes are the best!" I think I have to agree with him!

Davis was so excited to be Batman. I love that they each were so excited with what they had picked out!

Prior to trick or treating, we carved our pumpkins. Nothing like waiting until the last minute! This is Connor's pumpkin...he was so proud because he did all on his own. I love Davis' face while cleaning out his pumpkin. Pretty much sums up my thoughts when cleaning the gunk out of the pumpkin!

After carving the pumpkins, we headed to the neighbor's for pizza and trick or treating. This year Connor got invited to a friend's for pizza and trick or treating in the same neighborhood we were going to. He was so excited to go with his friends. Sure sign he is growing up when he would rather go with friends than family! He had a good time and so did Carson and Davis. Oh the candy they received! I think I have eaten more than they have! Darn Chocolate!!

We sure had a great time! Another successful Halloween under our belt! Now on to November and thinking of all the things we are thankful for! I know one thing I am thankful for and it is these three boys that make my life so eventful!