My last day of work was May 28. I had worked at the same company for 13 years. It was a major decision for me. I just kept thinking of all the things I would get done since I was no longer working! Well, I was wrong...sort of!
I am enjoying time with my boys. I am enjoying watching them be able to sleep in this summer. I am enjoying taking them to ALLLL their baseball games and practices with a snack in their tummy and not having to rush to get them and feeling guilty for leaving work early 3 or 4 times a week! I am enjoying taking them to the library to pick out books. I am enjoying preparing meals for them without being so rushed when I got home from work.
During the day I feel like I am constantly moving. I feel guilty for sitting down! There are so many things I would like to do, but feel like just doing the bare minimum can be overwhelming some days!
As you can tell, I still do not have a lot of time for blogging! What I have found is that in the evening used to be the time when I would run around like a crazy lady to get things done for the next day. However, since I am able to get things done during the day, I can sit down in the evenings and relax and not feel guilty.
We are all still adjusting, but so far so good! I am planning to cover another maternity leave from September - December, but just two days a week and I will be home when the boys get home!
This summer is flying by so fast! I wish it would slow down just a little!
2 months ago