Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween

Hard to believe that Halloween has come and gone for another year! The boys all picked out their own costumes. Just so you know I had nothing to do with Carson's! He found the mask and thought it was scary and wanted it...ended up hardly wearing it because it stunk!

Connor was so excited to do his costume this year. When we were shopping for costumes he just could not find anything he wanted to be, so I suggested a hobo and he went with it! On Halloween he said "Mom, I think homemade costumes are the best!" I think I have to agree with him!

Davis was so excited to be Batman. I love that they each were so excited with what they had picked out!

Prior to trick or treating, we carved our pumpkins. Nothing like waiting until the last minute! This is Connor's pumpkin...he was so proud because he did all on his own. I love Davis' face while cleaning out his pumpkin. Pretty much sums up my thoughts when cleaning the gunk out of the pumpkin!

After carving the pumpkins, we headed to the neighbor's for pizza and trick or treating. This year Connor got invited to a friend's for pizza and trick or treating in the same neighborhood we were going to. He was so excited to go with his friends. Sure sign he is growing up when he would rather go with friends than family! He had a good time and so did Carson and Davis. Oh the candy they received! I think I have eaten more than they have! Darn Chocolate!!

We sure had a great time! Another successful Halloween under our belt! Now on to November and thinking of all the things we are thankful for! I know one thing I am thankful for and it is these three boys that make my life so eventful!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fall Sports

The fall season sports are upon us full swing. Carson is enjoying flag football, Davis soccer and Connor is doing tackle football. This is our first season with all three boys playing. It has this mom running like crazy, but it is fun. I just feel so blessed that we have three healthy boys that are able to play the sports they do.
The rule in our house is one sport per season. Just too darn crazy if you try to do more than that, especially with three of them. I feel bad for Carson because he is torn. He loves soccer, but it interferes with baseball and football so he has a hard time choosing. I can tell when he goes to watch Davis play soccer, he misses it.
The bad part is how intense these sports can be. At the age of 7, if you miss a season you are behind. Seems a little much. I doubt my boys will be playing any sort of professional sports, so I just hope right now they can play the sport of choice, enjoy themselves, and get a little exercise.

Monday, August 24, 2009


This year our garden has been a huge success! We tried some new items this year, as we do every year. The items of choice this year, were carrots and potatoes. Both of them are super good!

We have a guinea pig that likes carrots so we decided to try and grow them...well Snickers(the guinea pig) may just have to settle for the store bought ones, because the ones from the garden are super sweet and good! Connor is even going to pack some in his lunch tomorrow!

One of the things I enjoy about the garden is being able to share with others. Today Davis and I went to his school and one of the teachers was so excited to receive some jalapenos! I was glad she took them because we have soooo many and they are super hot.

Another success was this pumpkin seed that Carson planted last year in school. He literally brought home a Solo cup with a little pumpkin plant growing and it was no bigger than a few inches tall. The plant almost died before we planted in the ground, but as you can see it survived! It is even bigger now than in the picture and there are two of them. Jim had to keep cutting the plants back because it was taking over the garden! The problem is, I think, they are going to be ready way before October, which is a bummer. You can bet we will be keeping some of these seeds and planting them again next year, but maybe not quite so early.

The boys have such a great time with the garden. They are usually eager to go out and help harvest the goods. Hopefully it will be a tradition we carry on next summer.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Finally His Turn...

Davis had his first practice in an organized sport tonight. He has been so excited to finally get his turn to play! He woke up early this morning because he was so excited to go to practice tonight. For once his big brothers get to watch him, instead of him watching them!

He has been out practicing all week. He has had his Dad out there. He has had his brothers out there. He has had me out there! Oh, it is going to be so fun to watch him play!

From the looks of things...I think he is ready!!!

And who doesn't practice in a Power Rangers shirt?!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School Bells are Ringing

My boys are off to another exciting year at school. They seem pretty excited, I think more for the social aspect of it rather than the academic, but at least they are excited for something!

Connor is entering 4th grade and Carson is entering 1st grade. This school year since I am not working, they are able to ride the bus home rather than going to an after school program. That seems to be new and exciting for them. They get to come home and have a snack and just be home.

I pray for the school, teachers and students that they all succeed and have a great 2009-2010 school year. I am so proud of these boys and their willingness to learn.

Had to take a picture of the white shoes. I cringed when he picked them out, but just bit my tongue since they are the ones he really, really wanted. Any bets on how long they stay white? I am giving them a couple weeks...if that!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Last Hurrah

Since today was the last day before the boys start school, we decided to go to the State Fair. Glad we could pick the hottest day of the year! The boys had a great time. They were troopers walking around the whole fair. They fed some animals, ate fair food, and rode some rides. It was a fun, hot day!

We are now ready to ride, twirl and swing into a new school year! Hard to say good-bye to summer, it sure has been a fun one!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Park It!

We are so blessed to have so many things to do that are so near to us. Yesterday it was so nice and we had not been to this particular park yet this summer, so it seemed like a good thing to do.

The boys climbed the spider web. Hard for me to watch...it is pretty high. Davis wanted to get to the top so I could get a picture of all of them at the top. Thank heavens he decided to stay lower and let me take a picture of him there!

They cooled off in the splash park and rode their scooters. We went for a walk around a little pond area and saw some sort of a crane, muskrat, fish and ducks. The boys love to walk and look at nature. At first Carson did not want to go on the walk because he said, "Mom, you will find a pretty plant you like and want us to take a picture by it!" Oh he knows his momma!!

Connor did not want to go at first, but as you can tell from the pictures I think he had a pretty good time! If you notice he did not even want to bring his swimming suit. He was just going to sit and read his book...right!!! He did not even open the book. Just likes to make things difficult for him mom sometimes!
We have had a great summer. I have truly enjoyed being able to share all of these experiences with them!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Lake Fun

Yesterday we went to the lake house of some friends. The boys had such a good time. They got to swim, ride in the boat, ride on the tube and ride on the wave runner. The water was a little too rough for fishing. They were all exhausted by the time we got home.

Thanks Metzger's for a great time at the lake! The boys now think we need a place at the lake...boy wouldn't that be nice!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Day at the Creek

One of our friends called and invited to join them at a creek they had discovered. When I asked the boys if they would want to go to a creek they excitedly said "YESSSS!" So off we went with swim trucks, crocs and buckets it hand! Let the exploring begin!

For three full hours we were there. The boys and Addison found water bugs, craw dads, baby cat fish (very little), minnows, saw a snake sunning himself, and saw a big frog that I am sure they would of caught if they could have gotten to him! They tried to build a dam and got pretty muddy doing it!

What fun for the boys to play and wade in the creek and discover all the excitement that a creek can offer! The best thing of all is that it did not cost us a dime and they cannot wait to go back!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New York

For my mom's 60th birthday, my sister and I wanted to take her somewhere she would never go herself. The location of choice was New York City! We had a blast. While there, we saw two Broadway shows, Mary Poppins, which was spectacular, and Mama Mia!, cannot go wrong with that one! If I lived close to NY and had money I think I would go see a show every weekend. There is truly something magical about a Broadway production.

We took a ferry boat out by Ellis Island to see the Statute of Liberty. Took a lot of pictures, just too bad it was an overcast day!
This is a picture of us in Central Park.

This is a memorial at a little church that was right next to Ground Zero. There were memorials for the fire fighters, memorials for the loved ones lost, flags with the name of all the victims, signs sent by children that were hung up in the church soon after the attack and are still hanging up. Very, very emotional. A must see if you are in New York.

John Lennon Imagine memorial in Central Park. Could not get the song out of my head!

Not a place I would ever want to live, but truly a fun place to visit! And a long weekend is plenty of time! Just take your walking shoes and money to spend!
Happy Belated Birthday Mom! I know it will be one none of us will forget!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


My last day of work was May 28. I had worked at the same company for 13 years. It was a major decision for me. I just kept thinking of all the things I would get done since I was no longer working! Well, I was wrong...sort of!

I am enjoying time with my boys. I am enjoying watching them be able to sleep in this summer. I am enjoying taking them to ALLLL their baseball games and practices with a snack in their tummy and not having to rush to get them and feeling guilty for leaving work early 3 or 4 times a week! I am enjoying taking them to the library to pick out books. I am enjoying preparing meals for them without being so rushed when I got home from work.

During the day I feel like I am constantly moving. I feel guilty for sitting down! There are so many things I would like to do, but feel like just doing the bare minimum can be overwhelming some days!

As you can tell, I still do not have a lot of time for blogging! What I have found is that in the evening used to be the time when I would run around like a crazy lady to get things done for the next day. However, since I am able to get things done during the day, I can sit down in the evenings and relax and not feel guilty.

We are all still adjusting, but so far so good! I am planning to cover another maternity leave from September - December, but just two days a week and I will be home when the boys get home!

This summer is flying by so fast! I wish it would slow down just a little!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mini-Relay for Life

Instead of a "Field Day" at the end of the school year, Connor's school is now participating in a mini-relay for life. Every year they have a theme and each grade sets up a booth for the other children to visit. They have three rotations where they work, play and walk. They sale luminaries to raise money. This year the elementary raised $7,000.00! What a great learning experience for these kids! I love that the school is doing this! Everyone somehow, someway has been affected by cancer.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend, Dad finished the fort! It turned out so good. Now it just needs a coat of paint. Maybe that will be next weekend. Now the boys are figuring out what is needed on the inside. Dad already built a couple benches, corner table and hung some peg board. There is talk of a chalk board and cork board! Jim really did a great job!

Had a couple of fires, roasted hot dogs, marshmallows and assembled some smores!

We had some neighbors join us for a fire one evening, had some friends come stay with us before the race, but mostly just hung out as a family. It was a great weekend. We got a lot done around the house and really did not leave it much which I think was fine for all of us! We seem to always be go, go, go. So to stay home was a good adjustment!

Hope everyone had a nice long weekend!