Sunday, August 24, 2008

Life List

I have this thing I call my life list. On this list are things I would like to do in my lifetime.

Here are a few of those items I would either like to do or like to see:

1. Go to a Superbowl game (just to say I was there). Hopefully in 2012 when it is in Indy and the Colts are in it! The problem with this is I am cheap and hate to pay the ridiculous amount of money that is required for this and #2! Will still keep it on my list.

2. Go to a World Series game. Would love to see the Cubs in it! It will happen in my lifetime.

3. Learn to play the piano. Just love the sound of the instrument and seems so relaxing.

4. Go on a mission trip...not sure where just think it would be a very spiritual thing.

5. Serve a meal at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving with all three boys. I want them to be older and be able to understand how lucky they are to have what they have!

6. Go to Grand Cayman. From pictures I have seen it looks so pretty. The water looks deep blue and beautiful and I love vacationing at the beach.

7. Go to Walt Disney World...know it sounds crazy but I am 36 and have never been there! I think I may be more excited than the kids are to go. This one should happen soon.

8. Have a condo in Florida on the beach...may have to wait until the boys are out of college! Keep working hard Jim!!!

These are a few of the items I have on my list. I am always thinking of things to add to this list, but the real satisfaction is when one of the items you have on your list you are able to mark off due to completion. I had going to New York and seeing a Broadway show on my list and then last year Jim and I got to go. What a great experience it was! It was fun being able to say I had done it and once I was there could not wait to go back again!!

If you do not have one I encourage you to think about it. In the day to day routine we get stuck in sometimes it is fun to dream!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day of School

Well, Connor is a big third grader and Carson started kindergarten this year. Once they start school, it really does go so fast. I remember just like yesterday taking Connor to school for his first day! At their school, they give each grade a different color of shirt and they are to wear that shirt the first day of school so they know what grade they are in! It really is a pretty clever idea. They then can use the shirts for field trips etc! Plus makes picking out the outfit to wear on the first day of school a lot easier. Not like with boys it is too difficult...okay which t-shirt do you want to wear with which shorts today?

As you can see Davis wanted to be included in all the action. He really just wants to do what his big brothers are doing. He had to have his back pack and everything. He has not been happy to not be able to ride the bus. We tell him he can ride when he gets bigger and every morning he says, "Mom, I am bigger now!" which he probably is a little bit bigger, but just not old enough to ride the bus! So hard to explain to a 3 year old...especially a 3 year old with attitude!

Connor let Carson sit with him on the bus which I thought was really sweet! They go to an after school program and the lady there said when they got off the bus Connor had his arm around Carson. One of those "ahhhhh" moments for a mom to hear! He really can be a great big brother at times! I guess when it counts...which works for me!

I just pray the boys have a fun successful year!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


"Hummingbirds are the world's smallest birds. They are the undisputed champions of the sky, with their skillful and daring flight. They can outmaneuver and out-fly other birds a hundred times their size" excerpt from ZooBooks magazine

I love to watch the hummingbirds at our feeder. We have seen so many of them this year. Once a week, I am making a new batch of food to put in the feeder! The boys are always letting me know that we have another one at the feeder. They are truly one of God's fascinating creations.

I have tried to get a picture of one this summer and was finally successful!

Are you ready for some football?

I sure am!! Most people who know me, know how much I love sports. I loved to play them when I was younger and love to be a spectator as I am older...especially watching my sons play. It can get a little nerve racking because of course I want them to do their best every time and do not like it so much when the coach gets after them!

Connor had his jamboree today and boy was it fun to watch! On offense he played center. This cracks me up because normally a center is big and Connor really is not that big, but apparently the quarterback likes the way Connor snaps the ball! On defense, he was a corner...stood on the end of the line. He had a few hits and a fumble recovery. We were pretty proud of him! Hard to believe he is 8 and wearing the pads and helmet. That really has to be cool for an 8 year old to put on the pads and play!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Campers

Well, we just got back from our second successful camping trip of the summer. The first one we went to Turkey Run State Park. This one we went to Shades State Park. It is a non-electrical campground so no electricity but in the bathroom! The boys had such a good time. We have found a new fun family thing to do....go hiking! Jim and the boys took a couple of hikes on our first trip, but on this one as a family we took three while Jim, Connor and Carson went on 5 hikes. They were pretty rugged trails, jumping over streams, climbing up rocks and a lot of steps. The boys found frogs, bugs, mud and rocks to skip...any boys dream right?!

While sitting by the fire last night, I asked the boys their favorite thing on our camping trip. Connor's was the smores, Carson's was sitting by the fire, Davis' was the waterfall we saw on our hike, Jim's was being with his family and mine was not having a TV or computer for 2 1/2 days! I do love to be outside, sit by the fire and play games with the boys. I never see the boys ride their bikes as much as when we are camping. This trip Davis decided he wanted to take off the training wheels on his bike. He is now the master of a two wheeled bike! He is only 3...nothing like wanting to be like his big brothers!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Gardening Fun

This is the third year that we have planted a garden. The boys enjoy helping Jim plant the seeds, watching them grow and picking the goods. Notice that I did not mention them liking to eat them so much! Jim and I love to eat the fresh produce. The boys will try green beans. Connor will eat the cherry tomatoes as quick as they turn red, but as far as the zucchinni, yellow squash, cucumbers, peas etc. we usually get a turned up nose. They do not know what they are missing! I keep telling myself eventually they will come around.

Even if they do not eat them, I think the whole process of the garden is a great learning experience for them.

We usually try to grow something new and different in the garden each year. This year Carson wanted to try to grow sunflowers. Jim planted about ten of them. Some critter or critters ate a few of them off before we were able to get the fence around them, but we did get one that grew tall. Carson kept asking how tall it would get, taller than you mommy? We told him it would. He was so excited when it finally bloomed.

Hopefully they will remember this and the fun they had planting a few little seeds and watching them grow into yummy produce or beautiful plants!